Evening Primrose Oil,原名晚櫻草,主要成分:r-亞麻油酸,鎂,鋅,銅、維生素C、E、B6、B5。可以調合基礎油和精油的油脂,具有多項治療、美白功能,製成膠囊內服可以治療心血管疾病,經前症候群,更年期綜合症,用在芳香療法中,可以調和乳液、乳霜,改善濕疹,牛皮癬,幫助傷口癒合,指甲發育,解決頭髮問題,一般是10%的劑量使用。
Evening Primrose Oil, formerly known as evening primrose, is mainly composed of r-linolenic acid, magnesium, zinc, copper, vitamin C, E, B6 and B5. It can blend fats of base oils and essential oils. It has many treatments and whitening functions. It can be used in capsules for oral treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Premenstrual syndrome, menopausal syndrome, used in aromatherapy, can reconcile emulsions, creams, and improve Eczema, psoriasis, help with wound healing, nail development, and hair problems are generally used in 10% of the dose.
Pure Evening Primrose Oil 100ml