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有機仙人掌籽油是從刺梨仙人掌的種子中冷壓提取的,帶有特有的香氣。它具有天然的滋養功效,易於吸收到皮膚中,是護膚配方中的一種很好的成分。局部用於軟化皮膚而不留下油膩的殘留物, 具有卓越的保濕和抗衰老特性,對皮膚有益。

仙人掌籽油富含許多特性,使其營養和治療皮膚。其中一些組件包括:維生素A. 維生素B. 維生素E. 維生素K. Omega-6 和 9,礦物質(鎂,錳,鐵,銅,鉀,磷)亞油酸油酸棕櫚酸硬脂酸仙人掌籽油的好處 - *恢復皮膚彈性*提亮黑斑和膚色*收緊毛孔*快速吸收*滋養和軟化肌膚*減少紅腫和浮腫*減緩皮膚衰老*防止皺紋產地: 摩洛哥Organic Prickly Pear Seed Oil is cold-pressed extracted from the seeds of the prickly pear cactus as its name suggests. It is a light oil with a thin texture. This oil is 100% pure and carries a characteristic aroma. With its natural nourishing benefits and easy absorption into the skin, it's a great ingredient to use in skincare formulation. Prickly pear seed oil is used topically to soften the skin without leaving a greasy residue. benefits the skin with it’s exceptional hydrating, and anti-aging properties.

Prickly Pear Seed Oil is rich in many properties that make it nutritious and healing for the skin. Some of these components include: Vitamin A,Vitamin B,Vitamin E,Vitamin K,Omega-6 and 9,Minerals (magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, potassium, phosphorous)Linoleic acidOleic acidPalmitic acidStearic acidBenefits Prickly Pear Seed Oil -* Restore skin elasticity* Brighten dark spots & skin complexion* Tighten pores* Quick absorption* Nourish & soften skin* Reduce redness and puffiness* Slow down skin aging* Prevents wrinklesOrigin: Morocco

Prickly Pear Seed oil (Organic) 有機仙人掌籽油

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