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成分 :葡萄籽油 ,天然乳化

香薰油 :玫瑰天竺葵, 甘菊, 甜橙

使用方法: 拿少量放在臉上輕輕按摩,因葡萄籽油能有抗氧化作用 ,可以摩按耐一些 使黑頭酒米一起溶掉 ,再用清水輕輕按摩變成乳白色, 之後用清水潔面便可




Contents: Grapeseed oil, Natural Emulsifier

Essential oils: Geranium, Chamomile, Orange

Instructions: Apply a small amount on the face and massage. Grapeseed oil is an antioxidant, massaging the face for longer can dissolve blackheads and whiteheads. Then, massage again with water and wash off.

Suitable for all skin types and people with allergies.

Natural Makeup Remover oil 植物卸妝油

庫存單位: 0016
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  • For external use only, If allergic please discontinueuse. This product uses natural preservatives.Please use within 6 months of manufaturingdate, oand within 4 months after opening.



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