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Contents  : 2% Mirco-algae extract, ,  DI Water

Hydrosol : Organic Rose, Neroli, Geranium

Base Oil   : L22, Jojoba, Squalane Oil



Italy cultivates deep sea microalgae. The powerful anti-wrinkle active can effectively activate the proliferation of skin structural proteins. It has the ability to stimulate cell proliferation and promote collagen re-synthesis. It takes only 24 hours after use. The amount of collagen synthesis increased by 19.3% compared to untreated cells. Then add aromatherapy elements and high-quality plant base oil to achieve moisturizing, anti-wrinkle and regenerating effect

主要成分 :

 2% 深海微藻 ,去離子水

香薰純露 : 有機玫瑰,橙花,天竺葵

植物油 : L22,可可巴,角鯊烷


意大利培植深海微藻強大的抗皺活性物能有效激活皮膚 結構蛋白的增生具有刺激細胞增殖 促進膠原蛋白重新合成的能力,使用後僅需24 小時 膠原蛋白合成量相比未經 處理的細胞增加19.3% ,再加入香薰治療 元素及優質植物 底油達至保濕抗皺及活膚再生效果

Marinea–Cylindrotheca Anti-Wrinkle Cream 微藻再生活膚霜

  • For external use only, If allergic please discontinueuse. This product uses natural preservatives.Please use within 6 months of manufaturingdate, and within 3 months after opening.



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