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High quality animal fur makeup brushes , 10 brushes including sable and goat hair ,fur doesnt come off easily , comes with a case that allows you to bring it out easilyinterested and for more




2x Goat 山羊毛

3x Mole 貂鼠毛

1x Pahmi 猸毛

4x Fiber 纖維


洗化妝掃沒難度 ,用皂液又冼不乾淨,冼掃液又有酒精使化妝掃易掉毛😥😭, 獨家手創天然, 只需幾個步驟就將陳年舊漬洗得乾乾淨淨 ❤❤,真係好乾淨呀 !😍🤗深層清潔又柔軟。



成份:可可巴油,棕欖油 ,植物乳化成份


先將化妝掃濕水後放在皂上輕輕打圈直至起泡, 再用清水清洗乾淨 及用紙巾擦乾 待風乾後便可


Exclusive development of hand-made

Contents: Palm oil, Jojoba oil, Alcohol, Natural Emulsifier

Functions: Can clear brushes of leftover makeup, make brush hairs softer and last longer.

Wet brush before rubbing it in circles in the brush cleaner until bubbles start to form, then rinse with water and wipe gently with a tissue or air dry.

Makeup Brush & Make-up Brush-Cleaner Set 化妝掃及化妝掃清潔皂套裝

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